This example explains How To Read Web.Config Using JavaScript In Asp.Net.
I am reading Connection String from Web.Config File In onclick Event of html Input Button through JavaScript function and displaying it in Label.
Write this JAVASCRIPT function in HEAD section of page
With this javascript function you can read connection string from web.config file.
I am reading Connection String from Web.Config File In onclick Event of html Input Button through JavaScript function and displaying it in Label.
1: <body>
2: <form id="form1" runat="server">
3: <input id="Button1" type="button"
4: value="Read Web.Config"
5: onclick="ReadWebConfig();"/>
7: <asp:Label ID="lblReadWebConfig" runat="server"
8: Text=""></asp:Label>
9: </form>
10: </body>
Write this JAVASCRIPT function in HEAD section of page
1: <head runat="server">
2: <script type="text/javascript">
3: function ReadWebConfig()
4: {
5: var connectionString = '<%=ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthwindConnectionString"].ConnectionString %>'
6: document.getElementById("lblReadWebConfig").innerHTML = connectionString;
7: }
8: </script>
9: </head>
With this javascript function you can read connection string from web.config file.
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