SqlServer Shared Memory Provider Error233 No Process Is On Other End Of Pipe

Sql Server Shared Memory Provider Error 233 No Process Is On The Other End Of The Pipe, Cannot connect to SQLEXPRESS.
A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 233)

If you are getting this error while connecting to sql express server then you need to make changes mentioned below.

1. Click on Start menu > Programs > Microsoft Sql Server > Configuration Tools

2. Select Sql Server Surface Area Configuration.

3. Now click on Surface Area configuration for services and connections

4. On the left pane of pop up window click on Remote Connections and Select Local and Remote connections radio button.

5. Select Using both TCP/IP and named pipes radio button.

6. click on apply and ok.

Now when try to connect to sql server using sql username and password u'll get the error mentioned below

Cannot connect to SQLEXPRESS.


Login failed for user 'username'. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18452)
To fix this error follow steps mentioned below

1. connect to sql server using window authentication.

2. Now right click on your server name at the top in left pane and select properties.

3. Click on security and select sql server and windows authentication mode radio button.

3. Click on OK.

4. restart sql server servive by right clicking on server name and select restart.

Now your problem should be fixed and u'll be able to connect using sql server username and password.

Have fun.

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SQL Code Snippets said...

Thanks for the tutorial I had this problem once, good to let other people know about it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, save me a lot of time trying to figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the time to write about this!

Great help- just what I needed


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Michael said...

I have my local SQLExpress set up the way you indicate, yet also keep getting the error. can you suggest the next step in troubleshooting?

Unknown said...

hi michael , plz let me know what error u r getting

Michael said...

hey, ignore me! I was set to allow 1 simultaneous connection. i set it to 0 and it's good.

sachin Tomar said...

good artical , it resolved my issue .thanks

Nirman Doshi said...

Perfect.. worked for me for an instance of SQL Server 2008 R2.

Thanks for sharing

Kris Vallotton prophetic ministry said...

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Anonymous said...

that is the exact solution I am looking for. Thanks much!

Manish Kumar Aman said...

very helpful

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